понедельник, 30 декабря 2019 г.


Everything about this is amazing, and awesome, in fact it is am-awesome. I think this vid is very artsy-fartsy as Simon would say, and has two of the most sexy men in the KPop industry. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The song has all it needs awesome video with awesome music. kim hyun joong ft jay park unbreakable mv

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Kim Hyun Joong - Unbreakable - Vídeo Dailymotion

Back to the Korean Music Mixtape. I nearly had a seisure from sexy overload. And I approve of the video.

I feel dumb…I totally missed that they were different type of cars. Love Love Love so much about this MV. This video is all kinds of awesome. km

Kim Hyun Joong - Unbreakable

Ok this HAS to be awesome!! And dancing shirtless in the rain added to it a bit. SS All My Love Retrieved from " https: Round 3 album cover.

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kim hyun joong ft jay park unbreakable mv

It seemed to me like the bird was some type of eagle. For some reason I thought it was a hawk.

kim hyun joong ft jay park unbreakable mv

Archived from the original on SS albums EPs. I was torn between relief and disappointment about not having Jay dancing shirtless too, because, well, all the ovaries in the world would explode and then regenerate so they could explode again… ahem… I mean, yeah, awesome video. The song is really addicting, MV concept is also great, and unbreakaable with Jay Park is soooo much amazing! This page was last edited on 26 Septemberat This video and song has me melting for all the right reasons.

Proof a simple space can be made into something spectacular.

Kim Hyun Joong is "Unbreakable" in Latest MV ft. Jay Park - K-Pop Concerts

This video just jumped into my favorite-music-video-ever spot. Archives About Store Go Premium! KHY and Jay Park, what is there not to love. You may be right, although it could be an Asian Black Eagle. Billboard World Album Charts. I felt the same!

kim hyun joong ft jay park unbreakable mv

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I think Kim Hyun Joong blew my mind. Oh, and addictive music. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. What can I say? Learn how your comment data is processed.

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